From the ideal of the State to practice

Technical knowledge and politics in the management of trees in Buenos Aires


  • Paula Man Universidad Nacional de San Martín


Ethnography, State, Urban woodland, Technical Knowledge, Politics


Based on an ethnographic analysis of the discourses and practices of tree pruners and inspectors involved in the management of urban woodland in Buenos Aires city, this paper offers a reflection on the tensions between the technical and political aspects within the state management. I shall demonstrate that this is a long–standing issue in modern thought, which has gained particular relevance with the increasing transformations in our environment. The article approaches an ethnographic study conducted while accompanying tree maintenance tasks in a district of the City of Buenos Aires. It is observed that the actors permanently establish a division between the technical and political aspects, classifying different individuals and practices accordingly. While the technical dimension is associated with fixed and indisputable rules based on an objective understanding of nature, the political dimension is related to opinions, values and the pursue of personal benefits. Towards the end of the article, it is shown that, in practice, beyond the ideal, tree pruners and inspectors must adapt abstract norms to the context, combining technical, political, and practical aspects.


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Author Biography

Paula Man, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Licenciada en Antropología Social y Cultural (Escuela IDAES-UNSAM). Hizo un curso de posgrado en “Sustentabilidad, Desarrollo y Participación Social en América Latina” (Uni Kassel, Alemania). Investiga temáticas relacionadas con la naturaleza, el saber técnico y la política. Coordina el proyecto “La cocina de la investigación”. Realizó diversas publicaciones, asesorías técnicas y trabajos de gestión.


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How to Cite

Man, P. (2023). From the ideal of the State to practice: Technical knowledge and politics in the management of trees in Buenos Aires. Revista De La Escuela De Antropología, (XXXIII). Retrieved from



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